Huzhou on the Fast Track
  ·  2023-07-14  ·   Source: NO.28 JULY 13, 2023

Situated on the southern shore of Taihu Lake, Huzhou is a prefecture-level city in Zhejiang Province. Sitting in the very heart of the Yangtze River Delta, one of the country's most industrially developed regions, the city lies in close proximity to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and several other large cities. However, compared to its affluent neighbors, Huzhou remains a small city with relatively mild economic growth.

Aware of the city's rather awkward position within the region, the local government is determined to play catch-up. For instance, it has set up a weekly panel where government officials and professionals from the business world meet to work out possible solutions for issues that businesses in Huzhou are encountering. The city has also launched an incubator program that aims to foster homegrown brands.

To better channel public opinion, a TV program has been launched to expose social issues, which will quickly be addressed by relevant government departments after being identified.

The city has also invested much energy into revitalizing its urban quarters. As of now, a total of 73 old residential communities have been transformed into modern living areas equipped with senior care service centers, pocket gardens, cafeterias and more. The city places great emphasis on incorporating the opinions of local residents into the process of urban planning. Everyone living there can participate in the creation of a more sustainable urban environment.


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