Reporters Unwelcome?
  ·  2023-08-04  ·   Source: NO.31 AUGUST 3, 2023

With its diverse ethnic cultures and stunning sceneries, Yunnan Province has long been one of China's top tourist destinations. However, this summer, Yunnan has been unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight, as netizens agitate over the fact that some local travel agencies have refused to take journalists on their group tours. The ban has been implemented by these agencies purportedly to protect themselves from secret inquiries conducted by journalists.

The Law on Protecting Consumers' Rights and Interests does not allow for the discrimination of consumers based on occupation. By denying journalists their right to freely choose their own services, these agencies are infringing on that law.

In the digital age, where any online comment may produce a huge impact, no business can hide itself from the public eye. An exposure of bad corporate behavior will have an immediate adverse impact on brand image and reputation. However, what matters most is how a company deals with criticism. Sometimes, a sincere apology followed by prompt improvement can effectively turn the tide.

(, July 19)


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