Global experts applaud China's achievements in human rights protection
  ·  2024-01-26  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency


Children have fun with a lion dance prop at a primary school in Xobando Town of Lhorong County in Qamdo City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, on January 19 (XINHUA)

China's accomplishments in safeguarding human rights are truly noteworthy, and the citizens have ample reasons to take pride in these commendable achievements, said Peter Hediger, a Swiss sinologist, historian and international security policy expert.

He made the remarks at an event titled "Human Rights and Chinese Modernization" on Wednesday in Geneva.

Zhu Hongli, deputy secretary general of The China Society for Human Rights Studies, noted that the respect for and protection of human rights are integral aspects of modernization, as China has stayed committed to modernization and progressed through promoting human rights.

In recent years, China's legislative, executive and judicial organs have adopted a series of measures to strengthen the judicial protection of women's rights, said Dai Ruijun, senior fellow of Institute of International Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The comprehensive revision of the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests in 2022, she said, has added a new chapter on "remedial measures," and established a number of new systems to deal with the lack of effectiveness of rights remedies.

Remina Xiaokaiti, an associate professor of Xinjiang University, said that human rights in Xinjiang have significantly advanced as part of China's modernization efforts.

The remarkable economic and social progress in Xinjiang has improved people's living standards and the sense of fulfillment, happiness, and security among all ethnic groups, she said, adding the rights to employment and education for all ethnic groups have been effectively safeguarded.

Suolangzhuoma, an assistant researcher of China Tibetology Research Center, highlighted the collective efforts of policy support, financial investment, education and training initiatives, and international exchanges, and the active engagement of local residents and relevant institutions, which have collaboratively propelled the development of Xizang's cultural traditions.

According to Suolangzhuoma, these measures have played a crucial role in effectively preserving Xizang's distinctive cultural heritage, ensuring its continued inheritance, and facilitating its ongoing advancement.

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