Highlights of Chinese Government Work Report for 2016
Edited by Chen Ran  ·  2016-03-05  ·   Source: | Web Exclusive

Following are highlights of the Chinese Government Work Report distributed to the press ahead of the fourth session of the 12th National People's Congress on March 5

2015 Work Review

- Maintained stable growth, made structural adjustments, guarded against risks, and developed new ways of conducting macro regulations.

- Intensified reform and opening up to invigorate the market.

- Worked to promote industrial innovation and upgrading to improve economic performance.

- Promoted coordinated development between regions and the new type of urbanization to expand development space.

- Promoted the reform and development of social programs to improve living standards.

- Developed new ways of conducting law-based administration and governance to promote social harmony and stability.

Main Targets and Tasks for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020)

- Double the 2010 GDP and per capita personal income

- Annual GDP growth: 6.5% or above

- R&D spending: 2.5% of GDP

- Science and technology’s contribution to economic growth: 60%

- Permanent urban residents: 60%of the total population

- High-speed railways in service: 30,000 km, linking 80% of big cities

- Expressways built or upgraded: 30,000 km

- Full coverage of access to broadband networks

- Improvements to the environment
  Water consumption per unit of GDP: down 23%
  Energy consumption per unit of GDP: down 15%
  Carbon dioxide emissions: down 18%

- Lift all rural residents falling below the current poverty line out of poverty

- New urban jobs: more than 50 million

- Housing units rebuilt in rundown urban areas: 20 million

The Main Development Targets for 2016

- GDP growth of 6.5% to 7%

- CPI increase kept at around 3%

- Creation of at least 10 million new urban jobs

- Registered urban unemployment rate kept within 4.5%

- A steady rise in import and export volumes

- A basic balance in international payments

- Increase in personal income basically in step with economic growth

- A reduction in energy consumption per unit of GDP of at least 3.4%

- Further reductions in the release of major pollutants

Eight Tasks for 2016

1. Improve and keep stable our macroeconomic policies to ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range

2. Strengthen supply-side structural reform to drive sustained growth

3. Tap the potential of domestic demand to increase the space for development

4. Speed up efforts to develop modern agriculture and ensure sustained increases in rural incomes

5. Carry out a new round of high-quality opening up and work to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation

6. Step up environmental governance efforts and work to see breakthroughs in green development

7. Strengthen social development to promote people's wellbeing

8. Improve government functions, strengthen our administrative capacity, and deliver quality government services.

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