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China's Ren Becomes Youngest Gold Medalist at Rio Olympics
  ·  2016-08-19  ·   Source:

Teenage diver Ren Qian became the youngest gold medallist at the Rio Olympics by winning the 10m platform final.

The 15-year-old finished with 439.25 points to beat her compatriot Si Yajie by 19.85 points at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Centre. Canada's Meaghan Benfeito took bronze with 389.20 points.

Ren started inauspiciously before posting scores of 94.05, 91.20 and 91.20 with her final three dives.

"When I won I cried with joy," said Ren, who became China's first Olympic medal winner born this millennium.

"I want to thank my mother, my coaches and the rest of the team for helping me. I didn't perform by best in the heats and semifinals but I was able to keep cool when it mattered today, especially in my last three dives."

Her teammate, Si, was gracious in defeat, saying that Ren was a deserving Olympic champion.

"Ren had a wonderful final, Si said. "I expected to win the gold but I can accept the silver because Ren was better."

China has now won six of the seven diving gold medals decided so far at the Rio Olympics.

The last diving event here - the men's 10m platform final - will be staged on August 20.

(Xinhua News Agency August 18, 2016)

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