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China to Boost Roles of Social Organizations
  ·  2016-08-22  ·   Source:

China will boost roles of social organizations in promoting economic development, governing social affairs and providing public services, according to an official guideline.

The guideline, released by the general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, aimed at reforming management system of social organizations so as to promote their "healthy and orderly" development.

The guideline required governments at all levels to carry out the reform with full awareness of its strategic importance and urgency, as "healthy and orderly development of social organizations" helps improve socialist market economy and unleash social vitality.

Great efforts and resources will be invested in cultivating community-based social organizations, according to the guideline.

Thresholds will be lowered for such organizations that dedicate themselves to community services, old-age care, charity, sports and entertainment, agricultural technology, among other fields, with registration procedures simplified for the qualified ones.

There will be greater support to social organizations coming from government procurement of services, project funds and subsidies. Greatest support will go to organizations that offer services to the elderly, women, children, the disabled, unemployed, migrant workers, the mentally challenged, misbehaving juveniles, among other groups, the guideline said.

Governments are obliged to retreat from fields involving certain petty administrative affairs and public services which would be better taken care of by the market and society. Governments should cede management over these fields to social organizations through tender.

The scope of services that governments procure from social organizations will be expanded, according to the guideline.

The guideline also stipulated favorable fiscal and taxation policies to social organizations, scrupulous registration procedures as well as fund oversight.

Social organizations will be guided to participate in international exchanges "in an orderly manner" and join non-governmental international organizations, the guideline said.

(Xinhua News Agency August 21, 2016)

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