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Senior Official Stresses Unity of All Social Circles
  ·  2016-09-07  ·   Source:

Top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng urged authorities to unite members of various social strata and and pool their strength for national rejuvenation.


Yu, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, made the remarks in northern city of Tianjin.


Yu focused on learning about the personnel from "new social strata" and people engaged in non-public economic sectors during his visit.


At a law firm, he inquired how lawyers participate in social services and Party building.


Yu said the people of new social strata are key to the united front work, urging authorities to fully respect and help them, and unite them around the Party and the Government.


The authorities should establish regular contact with them, value their interests and guide them to support the Party and the Government, he added.


Yu visited several companies, encouraging them to implement supply-side reform and develop new technology, products and commercial modes to realize industrial upgrading. Meanwhile, he told authorities to guide personnel in the non-public sectors to shoulder more social responsibilities, and make the government-entrepreneur relations "closer and cleaner."


He visited Xinjiang students who study in Tianjin, asking authorities to improve education and training for minorities and increase their national identity.


Yu also visited a local mosque, where he called for a bigger role of the religious circle in promoting social and economic development.


(Xinhua News Agency September 6, 2016)

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