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Xi Holds Phone Talks with Outgoing UN Chief
  ·  2016-12-27  ·   Source:

Chinese President Xi Jinping held phone talks with outgoing UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking highly of Ban's positive efforts to promote world peace, development and prosperity and his important contribution to deepening China's cooperation with the United Nations during his ten years as UN chief.

Countries in the world are currently facing many new problems and new challenges, which need a stronger and effective global governance and a better role of the UN, Xi said.

Secretary-General Ban has faithfully fulfilled the duties conferred by the UN Charter and scored remarkable achievements, Xi said.

The Chinese president stressed that China's cooperation with the UN has reached a new level, with joint efforts made by the two sides, adding that China will continue to firmly support the UN and maintain close cooperation with upcoming new UN chief Antonio Guterres to continuously advance China's ties with the UN.

Ban, whose second five-year term is set to end by the end of this year, appreciated China's significant support while he served as the UN chief.

Ban said that China has played a leading role in promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, boosting South-South cooperation and tackling global climate change.

Ban believed that China will continue to maintain close cooperation with the next UN chief and support international peace and sustainable development as always.

(Xinhua News Agency December 26, 2016)

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