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Beijing to Cut Coal Consumption by 30 Pct in 2017
  ·  2017-03-24  ·   Source:
Beijing will cut coal consumption by 30 percent this year to reduce the source of air pollution, the Municipal Commission of City Management announced on March 23.

The city will keep total coal consumption under 7 million tons this year, according to the commission.

Beijing will close more coal-fired boilers, and replace all low-quality coal with clean coal in rural areas, said Chai Wenzhong, deputy head of the commission.

A new natural gas pipeline that will transfer gas from Shaanxi Province to Beijing is under construction and expected to be in operation by the end of October.

Local authorities announced earlier this year that the city plans to invest 18 billion yuan ($2.6 billion) in treating air pollution this year. At least 500 manufacturers will be shut down and heavy diesel vehicles restricted.

Emissions from burning coal are a source of breathable toxic particulate matter, known as PM2.5, which causes smog.

(Xinhua News Agency March 23, 2017)

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