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China Eyes Broader Cooperation With CEE Countries
  ·  2017-07-14  ·   Source:

Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Liu Yunshan said on July 14 that China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries should further broaden cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

Liu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks in a keynote address at the China-CEE countries political parties dialogue in Bucharest, Romania.

The Belt and Road Initiative has become a public good welcomed by the international community and will provide sustained dynamism for world development and prosperity, said Liu after recalling the successful convening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May in Beijing, China.

Having suffered from the scourges of war in history, China and CEE countries both cherish peace and stability and can work together to address the threat of terrorism and the potential danger of local conflicts that the Belt and Road also faces, Liu said.

"As the Belt and Road Initiative injects new dynamism into economic globalization, China and the CEE countries should champion the spirit of openness and inclusiveness," Liu said.

He called on China and the CEE countries to seek common ground while shelving differences, safeguard and develop an open economy and make economic globalization inclusive and beneficial for all.

On the civilization front, Liu said China and the CEE countries should promote an outlook on civilization that advocates diversity and appreciation of one another, call for inter-civilization exchanges instead of estrangement and find ways to flourish people-to-people exchanges.

Both being emerging markets, China and the CEE countries face the same historic task of promoting development, Liu said.

He proposed both sides champion the vision of win-win outcomes and reject the notion of the zero-sum game or winner taking all, and identify converging points of interests and the biggest common ground for cooperation.

Liu is heading a CPC delegation on official good-will visits to Romania and the Czech Republic from July 12 to 19.

(Xinhua News Agency July 14, 2017)


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