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China to further support small, medium-sized airports in remote regions
  ·  2020-05-06  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China will further support small and medium-sized airports in remote regions and regions difficult to reach by land, aiming to improve all people's travel conditions, according to the latest policy.

The Ministry of Finance and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) jointly issued the policy on the management of subsidies to small and medium-sized airports.

Support to small and medium-sized airports in regions with deep poverty, border regions, ethnic minority areas and other remote regions with inconvenient land transportation will be strengthened, said the policy.

The move is expected to beef up civil aviation, help alleviate poverty, promote regional economic growth and improve people's transport conditions.

China's civil aviation sector plays an important role in serving people's lives and socio-economic growth.

In 2019, air traffic contributed 32.8 percent of passenger turnover in the country's comprehensive transport system, according to the CAAC.

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