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Taiwan 'secession' efforts will fail: National defense spokesman
  ·  2020-09-24  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China will do whatever it takes to thwart any effort to separate Taiwan from China, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, said on September 24.

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, he said. The People's Liberation Army holding real combat exercises in the Taiwan Straits is a demonstration that it has the determination and capability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The exercise also targets foreign interference and the small minority of Taiwan separatists and their actions, he said.

The island's ruling Democratic Progressive Party has disregarded the safety and well-being of Taiwan compatriots in their efforts to secede and stir up confrontation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Tan said.

"This scheme for secession has damaged peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, and it is doomed to fail," he said.

"If Taiwan separatist forces dare to secede Taiwan under any circumstances, we will do whatever it takes to resolutely thwart their efforts," he added.

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