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Chinese technology crucial for Pakistani agriculture sector: Minister
  ·  2022-02-14  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan

Pakistani Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research (NFSR) Syed Fakhar Imam said on February 9 afternoon that Chinese technology will inject a new life into Pakistani agriculture sector.

He was chairing the annual meeting of Agriculture Policy Institute Committee on Seed Cotton for 2022-23, here.

The minister maintained that the government was focusing on the revival of cotton, the largest cash crop of the country, through a number of programmes.

Representatives of cotton growers, growers' associations, research scientists, experts, planners and Provincial extension and research departments attended the meeting.

Sharing a good news regarding cotton, the Minister informed that the Prime Minister Imran Khan will inaugurate the 1st Cotton Conference being organized by his ministry in March.

"The Conference is an important move by this ministry to bring the key stakeholders at one platform to discuss the issues of the farming community, listen to best practices, prepare an action plan for the future," he added.

Imam urged the growers to take advantage of the Chinese technology in the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which focuses on agriculture.

He predicted that the Chinese technology in the second phase of CPEC will inject a new life in the Pakistani agriculture sector.


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