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All venues for Beijing Olympic, Paralympic Winter Games will open to public
  ·  2022-03-14  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

All the venues for the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will open to the public after the Games, the organizers said on March 12.

The National Alpine Ski Center will open some of the slopes to the public for entertainment, said Liu Xinghua, an official in charge of the Games' legacy program with the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee (BOCOG).

"Also the National Alpine Ski Center will host high-level events as well as being used as a training facility for the Chineses national team and the youth team," Liu added.

The National Alpine Ski Center will be operating all year round. In addition to the ski resort in snow season, it will also be used for some other outdoor activities including rock climbing and hiking.

After the Games, the National Speed Skating Oval will become a multi-functional complex combining sports competitions, national fitness, cultural leisure, exhibitions and other possible social public welfare.

"As for the National Sliding Center, We are negotiating with the international federations to run world-class and high-level events there in the next five years," Liu said.


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