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China supports WTO reform in right direction: commerce ministry
  ·  2022-06-10  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao will attend the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) of the World Trade Organization in Geneva from June 12 to 15, Shu Jueting, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, said on June 10.

In recent years, economic globalization has encountered headwinds, and unilateralism and protectionism have been on the rise, undermining the authority and effectiveness of the WTO, Shu told a press conference.

All members are eager to see the WTO resume normal operations at an early date and push its rules to keep pace with the times, Shu said.

China will work to promote WTO reform in the right direction, and support the inclusive development of the multilateral trading system as well as the legitimate rights and interests of developing members, the spokesperson added.

China will firmly uphold true multilateralism, promote MC12 to achieve positive and pragmatic results, and let the WTO play a greater role in coping with global challenges and promoting post-epidemic economic recovery, Shu said.


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