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COVID-19 situation stable in China's rural areas during Spring Festival holiday
  ·  2023-01-31  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China saw no rise in COVID-19 cases across its rural areas during the weeklong Spring Festival holiday, a senior ministry official said at a media briefing on January 30.

The COVID-19 situation in rural areas was generally stable, said Mao Dezhi from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Special measures were put in place targeting rural residents of remote mountainous regions, pastoral areas, forest regions and islands, which are weak links in COVID-19 prevention and control work, Mao noted.

Such measures included delivering targeted services to the elderly, children, pregnant women, people with physical disabilities and people with illnesses, sending itinerant medical workers to rural areas, prioritizing vulnerable rural areas in the distribution of medicines and medical supplies, and ensuring township medical facilities are equipped with sufficient ambulances to transfer patients to bigger hospitals in a timely manner when necessary, Mao said.

Rural areas are of primary importance in the country's current COVID-19 response strategy.


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