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Phase II of China's deep space observation radar facility kicks off construction
  ·  2023-02-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The second phase of China's deep space observation radar facility, dubbed "China Compound Eye," started construction on February 14 in southwestern Chongqing, according to the Beijing Institute of Technology.

Covering an area of more than 300 mu (20 hectares), the new phase will see the construction of 25 high-resolution radars, each with a diameter of 30 meters, and is expected to be completed in 2025.

The China Compound Eye facility will be used to observe and capture images of deep space objects with high resolution, including asteroids, the moon and Earth-like planets, serving the country's near-Earth asteroid defense work and planetary science research.

Its construction comprises three phases, with the first phase consisting of four 16-meter-diameter radars completed last December. After the completion of its third phase, the facility is expected to have more than 100 radars.


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