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China sees surge in entry, exit trips
  ·  2023-03-09  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Immigration authorities across China had handled 39.722 million exits and entries as of March 7 since January 8 this year, up 112.4 percent year on year, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) said on March 8.

China started managing COVID-19 as a Class B infectious disease on January 8 this year.

NIA statistics showed that over 1.01 million exit and entry trips were recorded on February 25, the first single-day figure exceeding 1 million since 2020.

The number of inbound and outbound trips made by various means of transportation totalled 2.487 million in the same period, a year-on-year increase of 59.3 percent, said the NIA.

Immigration authorities across China issued over 3.36 million passports; over 12.67 million certificates for travel between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; and 122,000 visas, stay permits and residence permits for foreign nationals; up 1,220.9 percent, 837.7 percent and 33.1 percent, respectively, compared with the figures before China downgraded its management of COVID-19.


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