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Culture, tourism expo closes in Wuhan
  ·  2023-04-24  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The 2nd China (Wuhan) Culture and Tourism Expo concluded on April 23 in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei Province.

A total of 62 contracts worth over 112.5 billion yuan ($16.4 billion) were signed during the three-day event.

The exhibition area comprised approximately 80,000 square meters, attracting over 2,000 exhibitors from home and abroad. About 180,000 visitors attended the Expo.

The Expo invited cultural and tourism bureau directors nationwide, corporate leaders, and over 30 online influencers to promote culture and tourism products through livestreaming. Online and offline transaction volumes totaled 379 million yuan during the event.

Focusing on the latest development trends, new technologies, and new products of the cultural and tourism industry, a series of forums took place at the Expo.

Jointly sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Hubei provincial government, the Expo is held in Wuhan every other year.

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