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China to further optimize remote COVID test arrangement: spokesperson
  ·  2023-04-25  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Starting from April 29, airlines will no longer check COVID test reports of inbound passengers taken before boarding, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said on April 25.

To help facilitate personnel exchanges between China and foreign countries, Mao said China will further optimize the arrangements for remote COVID-19 testing in a scientific, precise, safe, and orderly manner.

From April 29 on, all inbound travelers can show COVID-19 antigen tests results taken within 48 hours before boarding flights instead of nucleic acid test results, Mao said at a daily press briefing.

"We remind both inbound and outbound travelers to do self-health management and monitoring well before traveling, strictly comply with China's national and local requirements on epidemic prevention, and ensure a healthy and pleasant trip and a safe return home," said the spokesperson.

China will continue to scientifically optimize its prevention and control policies in light of the epidemic situation and better ensure safe, healthy, and orderly exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel, she added.


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