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80 Chinese projects presented at Nuremberg int'l inventors' trade fair
  ·  2023-10-30  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The 75th international inventors' trade fair, also known as "iENA," opened on October 28 with China as the partner country.

Around 80 innovation projects from China were presented at the fair, said Henning Koenicke, managing partner of the event's organizer, AFAG.

Both the quantity and quality of China's innovations are rising, Koenicke said.

Among the Chinese exhibits were a trackless tram system from China's leading train manufacturer CRRC and a smart energy management system for metros from Tsinghua University.

He Zhenfu, vice president of the China Association of Inventions, said at the opening of the event that for more than 10 years, the association has helped over 600 inventions and innovations from China to participate in the event.

This year, the Chinese participation in the exhibition was the largest in history, He said, highlighting invention projects in the areas of chemistry, transportation, machinery, medical, and environmental protection.

Founded in 1948, the event aims to present the latest innovations from the world to companies and the public, helping inventors find business opportunities and gain feedback from potential users.


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