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Pakistan-China Technical and Vocational Institute opens admissions for 2024-25
  ·  2023-12-04  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan

Pakistan-China Technical and Vocational Institute, University of Gwadar has opened its admissions in various diploma and advanced diploma programs for the 2024-25 academic year. 

All training programs and course curricula are developed in collaboration with the Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology (SICT), China, and relevant accrediting bodies. 

As per the official notification, the courses include maritime and port management, software technology, e-commerce, and tourism management, a diploma in electronics, an advanced diploma in Chinese language and culture, and an advanced diploma in the English language. 

The duration of the courses offered is mostly three years and one year long. Highly qualified faculty members from SICT, China will teach physically or through video links. 

The students will be facilitated with modern state-of-the-art facilitation, like workshops, high-tech computer labs, smart classrooms, a library, seminar and conference halls, and exposure trips to various organizations anywhere across the country. 

Gwadar Port Authority, the University of Gwadar, and the Government of Baluchistan also provide fully funded merit-based and need-based scholarships. 

Pakistan-China Technical Vocational Institute Gwadar has emerged as one of the leading institutions in Baluchistan, providing state-of-the-art vocational and technical training facilities to the local youth. 

The vocational institute is of paramount importance in imparting technical training and vocational skills to the youth of Baluchistan province, particularly Gwadar. 

The institute was built with a Chinese grant under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and its operational agreement was signed between SICT, Gwadar Port Authority, University of Gwadar, and China Overseas Ports Holding Company to provide free of cost six-month short courses and three-year diploma programs.

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