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China firmly opposes arms race in outer space: defense spokeperson
  ·  2023-12-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

A Chinese defense spokesperson reiterated China's firm opposition to the arms race in outer space at a  press conference on December 14.

When responding to a media query, Zhang Xiaogang, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, said that China has been consistently advocating for the peaceful use of outer space, actively promoting international cooperation in outer space, and firmly opposed to the weaponization and arms race in outer space.

The adoption of the draft resolution on "No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space" co-sponsored by China, Russia and other countries with high vote support at the 78th United Nations General Assembly fully demonstrates the international community's clear attitude of supporting the negotiation of international legal instruments on arms control in outer space, said Zhang.

However, certain major powers are moving against the tide and continuously advancing the weaponization of space and turning it into a battlefield. Such kind of move is prone to triggering a space arms race, seriously threatening space security, and undermining global strategic stability, said Zhang.

"We urge relevant countries to correct their wrongdoings, support and constructively participate in negotiations of legal instruments on space arms control, and take practical measures to uphold the international order based on international law," said the spokesperson.


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