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Sino-Russian relations key to global stability: Putin
  ·  2023-12-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Sino-Russian relations play an important role in maintaining global stability, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on December 14 during his annual press conference.

"Russian-Chinese relations are one of the significant guarantors of stability in the world," Putin said, adding that the level of interaction between both countries is "unprecedentedly high."

Putin further noted that Russia and China are diversifying their relations, saying the two countries are developing relations in such fields as infrastructure and high-tech sector. "And we will continue to do so," he added.

Putin said the friendship between the two countries is not "directed against anyone" but aims to benefit Russia and China.

On Thursday, Putin held his 18th annual press conference together with the "Direct Line" question and answer session in Moscow. Journalists and Russian citizens raised questions on a wide range of issues, including domestic and foreign policy matters, as well as the general economic, political and social situation of the country.


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