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Tribute paid to the builders of Karakoram Highway
  ·  2024-03-13  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan

The students, teachers, and officials of Karakoram International University on March 11 paid tribute to the martyrs of the Karakoram Highway (KKH) at the Chinese Memorial Cemetery aka "China Yadgar" in Danyore, Gilgit Baltistan. 

The event was organized by the China Study Centre (CSC) International Office, Confucius-Set, and School of Professional Development and Education (SPDCE) to pay tribute to the engineers and workers who lost their lives during the construction of KKH, a route that connects the two brotherly nations. 

During the event, participants laid flower wreaths over the graves of Chinese martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the construction of KKH, also known as the Eighth Wonder of the World. 

Senior officials from CSC, SPDCE, and Director of Public Relations at KIU, Amjad Ali, participated in the event. They spoke about the importance of KKH, Sino-Pak relations, and the role of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the economic development of Pakistan. Dr. Khalid Mehmood Alam, Assistant Professor at CSC, KIU, discussed the historical perspective of KKH. 

"Due to the sacrifices of Chinese and Pakistani workers, today both countries are connected," said Mr. Mahmood, adding that China and Pakistan were always together in grief and happiness. 

Dr. Sajjad Haider remarked that the sacrifices of the Chinese martyrs would always be remembered. He highlighted that the journey, which began with the construction of KKH, has continued to evolve.

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