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German chancellor hails Germany-China hydrogen technology cooperation
  ·  2024-04-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz said on April 14 he is impressed by the cooperation between German and Chinese enterprises in the field of hydrogen technology, and Germany is willing to continue to deepen friendly exchanges with China and push bilateral cooperation to a new level.

Scholz on Sunday visited a Sino-German joint venture and a Sino-German cooperative scientific research project on water monitoring, among others, after his arrival earlier the day in Chongqing Municipality to kick off his three-day official visit to China.

At the joint venture Bosch Hydrogen Powertrain Systems (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Scholz learned about the hydrogen powertrain products and fuel cell powertrain solutions, and experienced the assembly of hydrogen fuel cell power modules.

Scholz said the company's technology progress and the factory construction speed were gratifying.

Scholz is being accompanied by senior representatives of a number of renowned German companies, including Siemens, Bayer, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Zeiss.

More than 5,000 German companies are operating in China -- which has been Germany's largest trading partner for many years.


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