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Chinese commerce minister urges dialogue to resolve China-EU trade frictions
  ·  2024-06-03  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao has asserted that China is open to dialogues to properly resolve trade frictions with the European Union (EU), and will take all necessary measures to defend the legitimate interests of Chinese companies.

Wang made the remarks during a meeting with Chinese-funded enterprises in Barcelona, Spain on June 1 local time.

His remarks came in response to the EU's recent intensive probes into Chinese products including electric vehicles, railway locomotives, as well as equipment used for photovoltaics, wind power generation, security inspections, and healthcare.

Such investigations were conducted under false pretexts such as Chinese overcapacity and unfair competition, and involved discriminatory use of trade remedies, international procurement instruments, and foreign subsidy regulations, Wang said. These moves are increasing the risk of having escalated China-EU trade frictions, he added.

Leaders of France, Germany, and the EU have repeatedly vowed to avoid a trade war, expressing support for a rules-based multilateral trade system and an equitable environment for competition.

The legitimate concerns of China and EU should be addressed to prevent further escalations of trade frictions, Wang said, emphasizing that China will take all necessary measures to protect its companies' rights and interests if the EU fails to act on its words and continues its oppression.

During the meeting, the commerce minister also called for heightened efforts to facilitate investment and trade between China and Spain.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Chinese companies involved in finance, manufacturing, green energy, and transportation in Spain, along with members of the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU.


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