American discovers the hidden talents in Shenyang
By Luke Shen-Tien Chi  ·  2023-12-04  ·   Source: NO.49 DECEMBER 7, 2023
Luke Shen-Tien Chi (left) poses with owners of a bread shop in Shenyang on July 12 (COURTESY PHOTO)

In February 2020, my blood pressure reached uncontrollable levels, prompting me to make lifestyle changes. Despite my passion for work, I have realized the importance of taking care of my wellbeing. Although I have resided in Shenyang for quite some time, I never found the leisure time to explore its inner beauty until my health problems surfaced.

After my friends became aware of my blood pressure issues, they would suggest various methods to prevent my condition from worsening. One previous coworker introduced me to Between the Lines Coffee, a café in Tiexi District of Shenyang that offers a music-filled and hospitable environment. Even with inclement winter weather lingering through the spring season, I still went to the café on March 5, 2021. The former Shenyang orchestra member who owns this establishment has crafted a welcoming atmosphere for all his customers, myself included. Little did I know that day that it would be the starting point for my exploration of city life.

As little as I know, I'm willing to broaden my horizons. In May 2021, I visited Shenyang's South Market for the first time. This locality is regarded as a coffee destination and a social center adorned with numerous stylish eateries and restaurants offering diverse international cuisine.

I started visiting stores with music-themed environments due to my background in music, taking casual photographs and without any clear intent. While traveling around Shenyang, I continued exploring various stores, and, unexpectedly, received a few compliments for my photography. Consequently, I began journal writing on Dianping, a widely used app for reviewing tourist spots across China.

With a reduced workload, I was able to experience the offbeat tourist life of Shenyang's local businesses and make several meaningful friendships. I gained a deeper insight into the retail stores by connecting with owners who shared their life stories with me. Many of them were young couples or singles in their mid-20s, who either worked with their parents alongside them or without any assistance. All decided to incorporate their own creative flair into the design of their store interiors.

I started rating stores on the Dianping app in June last year. On September 21 this year, I celebrated reaching 1 million viewers after visiting only 127 shops.

After visiting various locations, I recognized the significance of publicly promoting businesses. As a responsible individual, my objective is to suggest top-ranked establishments that cater to both domestic and international customers. To accomplish this, I have devised a methodology for identifying optimal destinations for endorsements.

When representing a store to the wider public, it's essential to cultivate a positive relationship with the bosses. Ongoing communication is key to better understanding their business operations, and it makes promoting their products easier.

Quality is a crucial aspect to weigh when considering their products. Other factors to consider include the overall atmosphere, the design of the place, and the pricing of its products. These elements are crucial in determining which places to visit.

Once I have chosen to visit a store, I contact the owner. After introducing myself and confirming the appointment, I arrive at the designated time. I will spend half a day capturing photographs, and subsequently review and select only 18 images for further editing. I also arrange the photos in accordance with how they will be promoted. Finally, I provide an objective evaluation of the site in both English and Chinese.

Another important aspect pertains to how one showcases one's work. It is critical to ask oneself, "What distinguishes my work from others?" Setting oneself apart from competitors typically entails discovering one's unique edge over time. As for my personal requirements, I request that each proprietor take a photo with me, which is different from many bloggers who pose for self-portraits.

I am not seeking to establish a vast network. Instead, I oversee a closely knit chat group comprising over 40 owners, each reflecting their own distinct styles. Moreover, for the readers, remaining open to exploring new activities can bring hidden talents to light.

The author is an American living in Shenyang, Liaoning Province

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson

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