Pacific Dialogue
Will the New York Times Ever Stop Spinning the Truth?
By Liu Yunyun  ·  2019-09-04  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

Recently, the Hong Kong police received the most hostile press treatment from the U.S. elitist New York Times of any of its peers around the world, with nearly 100 percent negative coverage.  

The outfit launched a mind-boggling viral smear campaign against the Hong Kong police and authorities as well as mainland reporters, who, by the way, are risking their lives every time they cover the violent protests. 

When the police and government were attacked and assaulted by masked rioters, New York Times reporters were nowhere to be seen.  

But when police defended the rule of law and public order, they were accused of abusing power and provocative photos were promptly published. When rioters reacted to police attempts to disperse them, the New York Times was quick to capture these moments with overwhelming sympathy, portraying them as underdogs even though they are well-equipped and organized.  

In contrast, when rioters destroy public property, assault the police, set street fires or cripple local transportation, New York Times reporters turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. And when an innocent mainland reporter was seriously beaten and humiliated by rioters at the Hong Kong airport, there were no outcries of freedom of the press.  

Yes, the New York Times is a mastermind at knowing precisely how to subordinate facts to ideology and skew the truth for political advantage.  

Here are some ways the New York Times manipulates the truth: 1. Hiding the facts; 2. Glorifying the rioters; 3. Vilifying authorities; and 4. Provoking anger against authorities.  

It seems clear that the New York Times has a little playbook when it comes to covering violent protests in countries which are being targeted by the U.S. or simply have different ideologies. It employed the same tactics in its coverage, or rather instigation, of “color revolutions” elsewhere in the world many years back.  

Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo 

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