Thumbs Up for Fast Food on Bullet Trains
  ·  2017-08-01  ·   Source: NO. 31 August 3, 2017

Recently, 27 major railway stations across China have launched a pilot food delivery service for high-speed trains. Passengers can order food from restaurants online to be delivered to their seat onboard.

Food supply services on trains have always been monopolized by the railway operator. However, dissatisfied passengers have long complained about the limited choice, not so good taste and relatively high price of food on trains. Some would rather eat instant noodles or buy other foods to take with them onboard. This fresh move, aimed at better serving and satisfying passengers, will introduce more food brands and diversify choice and is warmly welcomed by passengers.

It may influence the food business of the railway company in the short term. But in the long run, it could greatly improve the service level, promote passengers’ satisfaction and help to build a good brand image for bullet trains. This is the railway operator’s first step to open up its services to outside competition. It’s expected that it will gradually open up more services in order to be more competitive.

(This is an edited excerpt of an article published in Xinhua Daily Telegraph on July 21) 

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