Fact Check
A multipolar world benefits all
By Lan Xinzhen  ·  2024-01-08  ·   Source: NO.2 JANUARY 11, 2024

The Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in Beijing on December 27-28, 2023, put in place plans for China's diplomatic undertakings for 2024 and beyond. The conference called for an increasingly just international system. An official news release stated, "Given the series of major issues and challenges facing the world today, China calls for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization."

An equal and orderly multipolar world is one in which all countries, regardless of size, are treated as equals, hegemonism and power politics are rejected, and democracy is truly promoted in international relations. To ensure progress toward greater multipolarity remains stable, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be observed by all, the universally recognized, basic norms governing international relations must be upheld by all, and true multilateralism must be practiced. A universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization is one that meets the common needs of all countries, especially the developing countries, and properly addresses the development imbalances between and within countries resulting from the global allocation of resources.

It is important to resolutely oppose attempts to roll back globalization and abuse the concept of security. The global community must oppose all forms of unilateralism and protectionism, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, overcome the structural problems hindering the healthy development of the world economy, and make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.

Multipolarity is the overall trend of world development, which is reflected in rising influence of developing countries. Developments since the end of the Cold War more than three decades ago show that more and more developing countries are becoming eager to have a say in international affairs. They also pursue the goal of a multipolar world and oppose unilateralism and power politics. They denounce the continuation of bloc confrontation, the zero-sum-game approach to international relations and, particularly, wars and conflicts.

However, the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, and between Israel and Palestine, as well as ongoing trade wars, are dampening developing countries' dreams for an equal and orderly world. At the same time, no consensus on how best to build a multipolar world currently exists. Against this backdrop, the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the basic guidelines China proposes: Countries, big or small, are all equal members of the international community; international disputes should be solved through negotiations under the guidance of the UN Charter; and the future of the world should be decided by all countries. 

Currently, deglobalization and trade protection attempts being made by a number of developed countries are disrupting the developing world's efforts to develop through globalization. These obstacles have deteriorated the global economic environment and destabilized industrial and supply chains. Bucking this negative trend, as a steadfast advocate for economic globalization, China is working hard to keep global industrial and supply chains smooth and stable.

In contrast to the kind of purely self-interested globalization, China's proposal means to benefit all. China's hope is that the international community will make joint efforts to promote economic globalization and share the achievements of these efforts, to realize common prosperity and progress. This kind of globalization opposes unilateralism and protectionism and rejects discriminatory and exclusive rules and standards.

In our closely connected world, no country can achieve full development by relying solely on itself. However, implementing the concepts of an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization that is beneficial to all, countries will coalesce into a strong joint force for development. This is what the world is hankering for and also an irreversible trend of human development.

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to lanxinzhen@cicgamericas.com 

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