Working together in face of challenges
The period from November 17 to 22 witnesses several events, including the 12th BRICS Summit, the 27th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting and the 15th Group of 20 (G20) Leaders' Summit
Editorial  ·  2020-11-29  ·   Source: NO.49 DECEMBER 3, 2020

The period from November 17 to 22 witnessed several events, including the 12th BRICS Summit, the 27th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting and the 15th Group of 20 (G20) Leaders' Summit. These important international meetings took place against the backdrop of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) rebound in some countries, interwoven with major changes unseen in the past century, with the global economy into a severe recession and a recovery far-off.

Chinese President Xi Jinping attended these meetings and delivered a series of significant speeches. In his remarks, Xi called on the international community to build consensus and carry out cooperation on major issues such as coordinated COVID-19 prevention and control, economic and social development, shaping the international order in the post-pandemic era and strengthening global economic governance, so as to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.

He also put forward 23 important initiatives and measures in this regard. These proposals and initiatives will spur on international cooperation and add confidence to the fight against the pandemic. This stands in stark contrast to the politicization of the pandemic and the stigmatization of the virus, fully demonstrating Xi's intentions for the health of mankind and stability of the world, as well as China's strong desire to work with other countries in order to overcome difficulties and beat the virus.

China is the first country that has successfully contained the coronavirus and realized economic recovery. The Chinese solution to international economic recovery, as formulated by Xi, includes not only plans to promote closer cooperation among various countries, but also practical measures that China has taken on its own initiative. This fully proves China's responsibility as a major country to become the driving force behind the world's economic growth, opening up new space for international economic cooperation and bringing benefits to the people of all countries.

Xi's recent remarks on global economic governance are the most comprehensive in the past few years, which will play an important role in leading its reform at present and in the future.

His comments on deepening solidarity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries have boosted their confidence in jointly addressing risks and challenges and expanded the space for their development.

Comprehensively elaborating the vision and essence of building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future, Xi stressed that Asia-Pacific cooperation has never been a political game in which one gains at the expense of others; rather, this teamwork has delivered a development platform to ensure what each does can be mutually reinforced and beneficial to all. This thinking showcases the right direction for maintaining Asia-Pacific cooperation.

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