A Winter Dreamland
A Winter Dreamland
Harbin's ice and snow festival brightens up the chilly season
By Wang Hairong  ·  2020-01-15  ·   Source: NO.3 JANUARY 16, 2020

The glittering white world of snow and ice in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province in northeast China, was transformed into a stunning sight as colorful lights illuminated ice castles and other sculptures at the opening ceremony of the 36th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival on January 5.

More than 600 guests from 44 countries were in attendance at the grand gala, which was held at the enormous amusement park known as Harbin Ice and Snow World built out of ice every winter.

During the festival, various activities including forums, business meetings and performances will be held, as tourists from home and abroad flock to the city for winter fun.

The annual festival has become one of the world's four largest ice and snow events, along with the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan, the Quebec Winter Carnival in Canada and Norway's Ski Festival.

(Photos by Xinhua News Agency)

Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo

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