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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
A site to behold
观众通过识别后可以生成自己的古蜀人体态镜像,随着身体摆动,对应的古蜀人也随之舞动.jpg 观众正在多媒体屏幕上观看三星堆文明的农业、手工业等介绍.jpg 剪纸造型展示的三星堆文化中的五位蜀王.jpg 一名观众正在参观金面罩铜人头像的复制品,这是三星堆最著名的形象之一.jpg
  • The image of visitors in the form of ancient Shu people can be generated on a screen. Whenever the visitors move, the corresponding Shu figure will move in sync
  • A multimedia screen displays the agriculture of the Sanxingdui civilization
  • Visitors look at large papercuttings depicting kings of the ancient Shu Kingdom
  • A visitor admires a replica of one of the most famous cultural relics unearthed at the Sanxingdui Site, a bronze head wearing a gold mask
  • 观众通过识别后可以生成自己的古蜀人体态镜像,随着身体摆动,对应的古蜀人也随之舞动.jpg
  • 观众正在多媒体屏幕上观看三星堆文明的农业、手工业等介绍.jpg
  • 剪纸造型展示的三星堆文化中的五位蜀王.jpg
  • 一名观众正在参观金面罩铜人头像的复制品,这是三星堆最著名的形象之一.jpg

A digital immersive exhibition centered on the Sanxingdui Site at the Meet You Museum in Beijing's 798 Art Zone has attracted a steady stream of visitors with its interpretation of the culture of Sanxingdui, a major site of Bronze Age civilization in Guanghan, Sichuan Province in southwest China, by combining sound, light and image technologies. 

The show presents the site's archaeological discoveries as well as the daily life, sacrificial culture and belief system of the ancient Shu Kingdom, a civilization that existed in southwest China some 4,800 years ago and was once only hinted at in myths and legends. It further features large-scale scene simulation and restoration, an exhibition of cultural relics and digital multimedia interaction. 

One of the highlights of the exhibition is the light show, where visitors can watch movies presenting restored classic images of the Sanxingdui Site in a 360-degree circular theater. Most of the site was discovered in the 1980s and 90s, when archaeologists unearthed artifacts following a preliminary discovery in 1929. 

This exhibition will close on April 7.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com

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