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Beijing bookworms
一位小读者在书市上看一本童书.JPG 一位读者收获满满.JPG 书市上出售的二手连环画,这种小开本绘画故事书在四五十年前流行于中国的出版市场.JPG 两位老夫妻正在中国书店的摊位挑选古籍制作的文创装饰画.JPG
  • A girl is wholly immersed in the weal and woe of Cinderella's fairy tale life
  • And that's a wrap! This bookworm has made the most of his visit to the fair
  • From Donald Duck to Monkey King, this second-hand comic book stall has it all
  • A couple inspects decorative artworks based on traditional Chinese illustrations and writings
  • 一位小读者在书市上看一本童书.JPG
  • 一位读者收获满满.JPG
  • 书市上出售的二手连环画,这种小开本绘画故事书在四五十年前流行于中国的出版市场.JPG
  • 两位老夫妻正在中国书店的摊位挑选古籍制作的文创装饰画.JPG

World Book Day on April 23 sparked a flurry of related activities all over China. The country's publishing industry also offered substantial discounts on books to promote both online and offline sales.

The 2023 Beijing Book Fair got underway from April 14 to 24. In the main exhibition area in the city's Chaoyang Park alone, eager urbanites could take their pick from the 400,000 publications and cultural products on display. Bookworms could also explore the other exhibition venues across the city, as well as in cyberspace, in their pursuit of literary pearls. 

(Text and photos by Wei Yao) 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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