Cyberpunk explosion
Cyberpunk explosion
  ·  2021-10-28  ·   Source: NO.43 OCTOBER 28, 2021

Amazing Museum, an annual activity hosted by Guokr, China's leading popular science website, opened to the public in Beijing on September 29. This time around, the event took place at a shopping mall so that more people would be able to catch a glimpse of scientific lure.

This year, the theme was Cyberpunk Explosion. With a transboundary interaction framework that combined popular science and art, the exhibition gave visitors the opportunity to indulge in a full-on immersive experience. At the exhibit, visitors could become astronauts by wearing virtual reality headsets and do scientific experiments inside a space station setting. The most popular stall was the Mountain and Sea Mirror where visitors could "meet" with different cyberpunk marine creatures via glasses-free 3D technology.

Additionally, a creative fair where the sales display of various shell, insect and mineral specimens and talk shows on topics like aerospace, healthcare and biology attracted many museum enthusiasts over the following days.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

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