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陕西宝鸡北首岭遗址出土的仰韶文化文物陶人面像。.jpg 河南安阳殷墟妇好墓出土的各种动物造型的玉器。.jpg 观众正在博物馆公共空间听取考古专家沈丽华的考讲座《邺城遗址核桃园北齐佛寺的考古发现与研究》。.jpg 观众在用手机拍摄考古博物馆镇馆国宝之一,陕西长安张家坡西周墓地出土的铜牺尊。.jpg 观众在一楼大厅参观河南安阳出土的殷商时期马车等文物.jpg
  • A pottery figurine of the Yangshao culture, dating back 5,000 to 7,000 years, unearthed from the Beishouling Site in Baoji, Shaanxi Province
  • Animal-shaped jade objects unearthed from the tomb of China’s first female general Fuhao at the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 B.C.) capital ruins in Anyang, Henan Province
  • The audience listens to a lecture about the ancient city of Yecheng, the ruins of which are found in Handan, Hebei Province. Before the sixth century, six regional regimes established their capitals there
  • A bronze sacrificial zun, an ancient wine vessel, unearthed from a Western Zhou (1046-771 B.C.) tomb in Zhangjiapo, Shaanxi Province
  • Visitors appreciate a chariot dating back to the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 B.C.) unearthed from Anyang, Henan Province
  • 陕西宝鸡北首岭遗址出土的仰韶文化文物陶人面像。.jpg
  • 河南安阳殷墟妇好墓出土的各种动物造型的玉器。.jpg
  • 观众正在博物馆公共空间听取考古专家沈丽华的考讲座《邺城遗址核桃园北齐佛寺的考古发现与研究》。.jpg
  • 观众在用手机拍摄考古博物馆镇馆国宝之一,陕西长安张家坡西周墓地出土的铜牺尊。.jpg
  • 观众在一楼大厅参观河南安阳出土的殷商时期马车等文物.jpg

The Chinese Archaeological Museum (CAM), which opened to the public last September, showcases the evolution of Chinese civilization through immersive displays.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the CAM is the diversity of its exhibits. More than 6,000 items are displayed in a warehouse-style setting, giving a general idea of the remains and artifacts unearthed from various excavation sites across China.

For most visitors, the museum's greatest attraction is its wealth of cultural treasures of national renown. In this vein, and by popular demand, the museum features 10 distinctive artifacts each month.

The CAM also hosts regular lectures on archaeology, which attract crowds of visitors. After all, archaeology helps us appreciate and preserve our common human heritage.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com

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