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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Grotto grandeur
观众在参观取材自云冈石窟第6窟南壁“文殊问疾”屋形龛(查一下英文解释)的等比例3D打印复制展品。.jpg 观众在沉浸式数字展厅领略多彩的千年石窟艺术。.jpg 观众正在参观取材于龙门石窟魏碑书法的数字影像展品。.jpg 观众正在绘有不同石窟壁画纹样的廊道参观.jpg
  • A 3D-printed replica of a grotto depicting the legendary visit by Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, to Vimalakirti, a learned Buddhist, who was ill, from Yungang Grottoes
  • The immersive experience of grotto art from around China inside the exhibition hall
  • Digital images of calligraphy from the Longmen Grottoes
  • A visitor examines a grotto mural on the wall of the exhibition
  • 观众在参观取材自云冈石窟第6窟南壁“文殊问疾”屋形龛(查一下英文解释)的等比例3D打印复制展品。.jpg
  • 观众在沉浸式数字展厅领略多彩的千年石窟艺术。.jpg
  • 观众正在参观取材于龙门石窟魏碑书法的数字影像展品。.jpg
  • 观众正在绘有不同石窟壁画纹样的廊道参观.jpg

An innovative exhibition of ancient grotto art opened to the public on December 9, offering visitors an immersive experience of five of China’s most treasured grotto sites in the National Museum of China.  

The 1,500-square-meter exhibition makes use of state-of-the-art technology to showcase 

--Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, created from the third to the eighth century;  

--Mogao Caves in Gansu Province, created from the fourth to the 14th century;  

--Maiji Mountain Grottoes in Gansu, created from the fourth to the early 20th century;   

--Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi Province, created from the fifth to the sixth century; and  

--Longmen Grottoes in Henan Province, created from the fourth to the 10th century.  

The most striking element of this exhibition is the 360-degree panoramic exhibition hall. At its center is a giant lotus flower, on which images of the grottoes are displayed. 

China’s grottoes are home to the world’s largest collections of ancient Buddhist mural art. They also exemplify exchange between ancient China and other Silk Road cultures. 


(Text and photos by Wei Yao) 


Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 



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