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2023年3月27日,蕾沃尔-庄淦然品牌发布会秀场,模特T台走秀。.jpg 3月27日,演出结束后,一位老年模特正在换服装,她的外孙女为她送来花束。.jpg 在发布会后台,设计师韩琪在后台为即将出场的模特整理服装。.jpg 2023年3月27日,作为本季时装周的线下活动,DHUB设计汇服装服饰展在北京坊举行,消费者直接选购青年设计师的设计作品。.jpg 2023年3月27日,本季时装周举办的秘鲁服装品牌联展在751设计广场举行,来自秘鲁的服装品牌尤其是羊驼毛材质的毛衣受到中国消费者青睐。.jpg
  • Models strut down the runway for designer Zhuang Ganran on March 27
  • A child brings her grandmother, who also happens to be a model, flowers following a runway show on March 27
  • As part of the offline events, the fashion week's trade shows take place in Beijingfun, a shopping complex in downtown Beijing where young people can take their pick of the products created by young designers
  • As part of the offline events, the fashion week's trade shows take place in Beijingfun, a shopping complex in downtown Beijing where young people can take their pick of the products created by young designers
  • An exhibition of Peruvian attire is held during the fashion week. Chinese consumers have shown a penchant for alpaca wool sweaters in recent years
  • 2023年3月27日,蕾沃尔-庄淦然品牌发布会秀场,模特T台走秀。.jpg
  • 3月27日,演出结束后,一位老年模特正在换服装,她的外孙女为她送来花束。.jpg
  • 在发布会后台,设计师韩琪在后台为即将出场的模特整理服装。.jpg
  • 2023年3月27日,作为本季时装周的线下活动,DHUB设计汇服装服饰展在北京坊举行,消费者直接选购青年设计师的设计作品。.jpg
  • 2023年3月27日,本季时装周举办的秘鲁服装品牌联展在751设计广场举行,来自秘鲁的服装品牌尤其是羊驼毛材质的毛衣受到中国消费者青睐。.jpg

The opening ceremony of China Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2023, one of the country's most prominent fashion extravaganzas, got on the runway in Beijing on March 24.

Featuring nearly 100 events such as shows, forums and open lectures catering to the trendy tastes of aficionados, the week helped reenergize the industry in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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