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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Lantern Festival: lit with tradition
04外国友人展示习字作品(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg 08外国友人猜灯谜(华龙网张颖绿荞 摄).JPG 10闹元宵包汤圆(华龙网张颖绿荞 摄).JPG 13外国友人体验龙舞(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg 14外国友人骑游玄天湖(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg
  • Showing calligraphic efforts together with local children
  • Ready to be riddled?
  • Learning to make tangyuan, a Lantern Festival staple
  • Dancing with dragons
  • A moped excursion
  • 04外国友人展示习字作品(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg
  • 08外国友人猜灯谜(华龙网张颖绿荞 摄).JPG
  • 10闹元宵包汤圆(华龙网张颖绿荞 摄).JPG
  • 13外国友人体验龙舞(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg
  • 14外国友人骑游玄天湖(铜梁宣传部供图).jpg

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar--or February 15 this year. Marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebration, the day fades into the first full moon of the year.

People started celebrating Lantern Festival more than 2,000 years ago. The date marked a romantic occasion in ancient times, offering an opportunity for unmarried men and women to venture outside their households and meet their potential future spouse.

Festival staples include boiled sticky rice balls known as tangyuan and yuanxiao. The former is made by molding rice flour dough into balls before adding the filling, the latter by rolling out fillings in a flat basket containing dry glutinous rice flour. In the evening, people partake in entertainment like guessing lantern riddles and watching fireworks. In June 2008, the festival was inscribed into China’s national intangible cultural heritage list.

A series of activities took place in Chongqing on February 14 for a gathering of expats residing in the city, giving them a chance to spend the festival in a Chinese way.

(Photos courtesy of the Chongqing International Culture Association) 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to dingying@bjreview.com  

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