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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Ming life on display
此次展览中最珍贵的展品“金翼善冠”,是迄今为止我国现存的唯一一件帝王金冠。.JPG 观众蹲着观看万历皇帝服饰“大碌带”,缝缀了20件嵌宝金饰件。.JPG 观众正在参观明代宫廷使用的“凤冠霞帔”.JPG 观众正在参观青花云龙纹缸,出土自十三陵中的定陵,是第一次面对公众展出.JPG
  • The most valuable exhibit—Emperor Wanli's gold crown
  • A belt worn by Emperor Wanli, inlaid with gems and jade
  • Visitors examine clothes worn by the imperial family
  • A blue-and-white porcelain vat with cloud and dragon patterns on display at the exhibition
  • 此次展览中最珍贵的展品“金翼善冠”,是迄今为止我国现存的唯一一件帝王金冠。.JPG
  • 观众蹲着观看万历皇帝服饰“大碌带”,缝缀了20件嵌宝金饰件。.JPG
  • 观众正在参观明代宫廷使用的“凤冠霞帔”.JPG
  • 观众正在参观青花云龙纹缸,出土自十三陵中的定陵,是第一次面对公众展出.JPG

Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) court life is on show at an exhibition at the National Museum of Classic Books in Beijing. The exhibition, which runs from late April to August, offers visitors a glimpse of how Emperor Wanli, the dynasty's longest reigning emperor, and his officials lived and worked during his reign from 1573 to 1620. 

The gold imperial crown on display is the only one of its kind discovered in China to date, and is the most precious item in the collection. It was made by hand from 852 fine gold wires. No joins or broken wires can be found on the crown, which is considered the pinnacle of Ming metalwork.  

(Text and photos by Wei Yao) 

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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