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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Night skies and sights
老师正带着孩子们在观察生活在水中的生物.jpg 夜探之前的室内科普课上,孩子们正在观察一只昆虫标本.jpg 城市中长大的孩子对于各种平时不曾注意过的昆虫充满了好奇.jpg 一只蟪蛄正在完成从若虫变成成虫的最后一次蜕皮,之后半小时内就将羽化完成。.jpg
  • The science teacher explains aquatic "nightlife" to his pupils
  • Before venturing into the park, children inspect an insect specimen
  • Young urbanites are curious about insects rarely seen in their daily lives
  • The majority of the cicada's life, up to three years in Beijing, is spent underground in the nymph stage. When ready, the cicada nymphs crawl out of the ground and grab onto a tree or other nearby plants. The back of their exoskeleton splits open and the winged adult emerges
  • 老师正带着孩子们在观察生活在水中的生物.jpg
  • 夜探之前的室内科普课上,孩子们正在观察一只昆虫标本.jpg
  • 城市中长大的孩子对于各种平时不曾注意过的昆虫充满了好奇.jpg
  • 一只蟪蛄正在完成从若虫变成成虫的最后一次蜕皮,之后半小时内就将羽化完成。.jpg

On July 8, a group of primary school students ready to get in some summer holiday fun entered Beijing's Fragrant Hills Park to acquaint themselves with local "wildlife" under the guidance of a science teacher.

A public park and former imperial garden sitting at the foot of the Western Hills in the Chinese capital, this is where many residents will go for a hike in autumn, when colorful tree leaves lend the mountain a fiery, red glow.

But it also happens to be one of the city's most biodiverse areas. Though the scorching July heat may be baking Beijing during the day, the cool of night sees tiny beings come out of hiding.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 

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