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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Old opera, young actors
老师正在指导学生们进行“把子”套路练习.jpg 两个男生正在展示自己绘制的孙悟空京剧脸谱.jpg 微信图片_20230816131645.jpg 微信图片_20230816131656.jpg
  • Teachers demonstrate on-stage combat skills using spears and staffs (WEI YAO)
  • Students show off their Monkey King Peking Opera mask designs. The Monkey King, a protagonist in the classic Chinese adventure novel Journey to the West, is a popular character among children (WEI YAO)
  • A boy checks out his "new look" in the mirror after getting dressed up and made up like a Peking Opera character (COURTESY PHOTO)
  • After one week of intense training, students take to the stage to put on a real performance (COURTESY PHOTO)
  • 老师正在指导学生们进行“把子”套路练习.jpg
  • 两个男生正在展示自己绘制的孙悟空京剧脸谱.jpg
  • 微信图片_20230816131645.jpg
  • 微信图片_20230816131656.jpg

During their summer vacation, many Chinese children have the opportunity to get a real taste of traditional culture. In Beijing, a Peking Opera course provides not only an immersive experience of the time-honored performance art, which incorporates singing, reciting, acting and martial arts, but also a lot of fun.

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com


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