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Xi'an: poetry in motion
大雁塔和大唐不夜城璀璨的夜景.JPG 大雁塔前的玄奘像前许多游客拍照留念.JPG 观众正在用手机拍摄大唐不夜城里的网红表演.JPG 微信图片_20230727131320.jpg
  • The bright nightscape of the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-Bright City, a pedestrian street and a cultural tourism hotspot, on July 19
  • Tourists in front of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Sculpture of Xuanzang, a famous monk who lived in the early Tang Dynasty (618-907), on July 19. The pagoda was first built in 652 to house Buddhist scriptures Xuanzang had introduced from India and was later renovated in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  • Camera commotion: Visitors take pictures of performers dancing at the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-Bright City on July 19
  • Visitors on the Xi'an City Wall, one of the oldest, largest and best-preserved of its kind in China, on July 20
  • 大雁塔和大唐不夜城璀璨的夜景.JPG
  • 大雁塔前的玄奘像前许多游客拍照留念.JPG
  • 观众正在用手机拍摄大唐不夜城里的网红表演.JPG
  • 微信图片_20230727131320.jpg

The animated epic Chang'An premiered in what was once its namesake city during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the city known today as Xi'an, the provincial capital of Shaanxi Province, on July 2. The movie chronicles the decades-long friendship of Li Bai (701-62), arguably China's most beloved poet, and Gao Shi (704-65), his close friend and a renowned poet in his own right.

The capital city of the Tang for more than 280 years, Xi'an today finds itself at the forefront of famous Chinese historical and cultural cities, boasting six sites that have won UNESCO World Heritage Site listing.

Its charismatic, enigmatic and romantic vibes have made the place a popular tourist attraction over the past decades. And this summer, Chang'An has only further fed travelers' appetites for this city where old meets new.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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