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RV boom
不同款式的房车长在户外展区展示.JPG 观众正在体验车顶帐篷.JPG 微信图片_20230621150106.jpg 几个中外观众正在一辆房车前合影.JPG
  • Purpose-built and converted RVs on display during the All in Caravaning expo in Beijing on June 16
  • Expo visitors try out a rooftop tent
  • Visitors inspect an RV's interior design
  • Visitors take a selfie in front of a four-wheel-drive RV
  • 不同款式的房车长在户外展区展示.JPG
  • 观众正在体验车顶帐篷.JPG
  • 微信图片_20230621150106.jpg
  • 几个中外观众正在一辆房车前合影.JPG

Hundreds of recreational vehicles (RVs) were on display during the All in Caravaning expo in Beijing on June 16-18. First held in 2012, the expo is launched by Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Germany-based international exhibition organizer, for the Chinese market.

Chinese consumers have become increasingly interested in RVs in recent years. The mushrooming of camping grounds across the country testifies to the emergence of RV touring as a new form of travel and lifestyle in China.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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