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Southern attraction
2024年1月29日,游客在厦门鼓浪屿“最美转角”网红打卡点排队拍照留念.JPG 2024年1月30日晚,游客在参观亮灯的潮州广济楼和天后宫_1.JPG 2024年1月31日,游客在漳州东山岛南门湾沙滩观赏海景。_1.JPG 微信图片_20240202155339.jpg
  • Tourists line up to take a snapshot of an influencer hotspot, dubbed the "most beautiful corner" on Kulangsu Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Xiamen, Fujian Province, on January 29
  • Guangji Gate Tower, built in 1370, is one of the most popular attractions in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province
  • Tourists take in the sea view at Nanmen Bay in Zhangzhou, Fujian, on January 31
  • A pedestrian street in Shantou, a port city in Guangdong, on January 30
  • 2024年1月29日,游客在厦门鼓浪屿“最美转角”网红打卡点排队拍照留念.JPG
  • 2024年1月30日晚,游客在参观亮灯的潮州广济楼和天后宫_1.JPG
  • 2024年1月31日,游客在漳州东山岛南门湾沙滩观赏海景。_1.JPG
  • 微信图片_20240202155339.jpg

The Spring Festival travel rush, or chunyun, the largest annual human migration on the planet, is currently underway. This year's chunyun is expected to set a new record of 9 billion passenger trips over a 40-day period starting on January 26.

In addition to traveling home to spend the festival with loved ones, many are flocking to coastal holiday destinations in warmer south China. Cities including Xiamen in Fujian Province and Shantou in Guangdong Province have seen an influx of sun-seeking tourists. Many of these visitors have taken to the streets on "city walks," the increasingly popular pastime of exploring a city's neighborhoods on foot.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com


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