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Stitches in time
观众在参观当代苏绣艺术家制作的庆典华服。.jpg 观众在参观作品《春回大地》,左侧为苏绣作品,右侧为绣稿,是1978年苏州刺绣研究所邀请李苦禅、关山月、程十发、黄胄等12位著名画家为苏绣集体创作.jpg 苏州博物馆藏的1956年双面绣《白猫戏螳螂》,由曹克家设计、刘丽英绣制。.jpg 1984年张美芳、冯丽亿绣制的双面三异绣《金丝猴和哈巴狗》,同一个扇面一面是金丝猴另一面是哈巴狗。.jpg
  • Ceremonial clothing decorated with contemporary Suzhou embroidery
  • Visitors appreciate the work Spring Returns to the Earth. On the left side is the embroidery work and on the right is the artwork that was painted for the embroiderers to reproduce
  • The work White Cat Playing With Mantis
  • Created in 1984, this fan has a different embroidered picture on each side. On one side is a monkey and on the other is a dog
  • 观众在参观当代苏绣艺术家制作的庆典华服。.jpg
  • 观众在参观作品《春回大地》,左侧为苏绣作品,右侧为绣稿,是1978年苏州刺绣研究所邀请李苦禅、关山月、程十发、黄胄等12位著名画家为苏绣集体创作.jpg
  • 苏州博物馆藏的1956年双面绣《白猫戏螳螂》,由曹克家设计、刘丽英绣制。.jpg
  • 1984年张美芳、冯丽亿绣制的双面三异绣《金丝猴和哈巴狗》,同一个扇面一面是金丝猴另一面是哈巴狗。.jpg

An exhibition of Suzhou embroidery opened at the China National Arts and Crafts Museum on December 23, 2023. The exhibition showcases over 190 works of several generations of Suzhou embroidery masters from 1949 to 2019, with most of them being exhibited for the first time.

Suzhou embroidery is a general term for embroidery products from Suzhou in Jiangsu Province and is one of the four most famous embroidery types in China. The other three are Shu embroidery from Chengdu in Sichuan Province, Xiang embroidery from Changsha in Hunan Province and Cantonese embroidery from Guangzhou and Chaozhou in Guangdong Province. In 2006, Suzhou embroidery was among the first batch to be put onto the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Many well-known works of Suzhou embroidery are on display at the exhibition. The double-sided embroidery work White Cat Playing With Mantis, long housed in the Suzhou Museum, was produced in 1956 and is one of the oldest masterpieces in the exhibition. The white cat's soft and smooth fur and its attentive eyes are made possible with highly developed stitching techniques and exquisite craftsmanship.

Another eye-catching work in the exhibition is Spring Returns to the Earth. Created in the 1970s, the 4-meter-long and 1.5-meter-tall work displays a variety of flowers in bloom.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com


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