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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
A tradition of the times
藏族文化博物馆工作人员正在为来自四川甘孜的藏族游客讲解历世达_120935.jpg 从右至左为八世、九世、十世班禅额尔德尼的画像。_120937.jpg 观众在参观十一世班禅额尔德尼的坐床册封典礼介绍。_120938.jpg 微信图片_20231109085748_120939.jpg 微信图片_20231109085759.jpg
  • A docent tells the story of each Dalai Lama to visitors at the exhibition on November 7
  • The portraits of the Eighth, Ninth and 10th Panchen Rinpoche (left to right)
  • Visitors from Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province observe the enthronement of the 11th Panchen Rinpoche, which took place in 1995 with recognition of the Central Government, at the exhibition on November 7
  • A replica of the golden seal that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) granted to the Eighth Dalai Lama as a symbol of his approval on display at the exhibition
  • A docent explains the lot-drawing process
  • 藏族文化博物馆工作人员正在为来自四川甘孜的藏族游客讲解历世达_120935.jpg
  • 从右至左为八世、九世、十世班禅额尔德尼的画像。_120937.jpg
  • 观众在参观十一世班禅额尔德尼的坐床册封典礼介绍。_120938.jpg
  • 微信图片_20231109085748_120939.jpg
  • 微信图片_20231109085759.jpg

The highest level of spiritual leaders in Tibetan Buddhism are known as Living Buddhas, and these leaders are believed to be reincarnated after death. Therefore, after a Living Buddha dies, a survey is conducted in search of his reincarnated soul based on established criteria such as the date of birth and resemblance with the late Living Buddha. Several candidates are usually found, and the final decision is made by drawing a lot randomly from a golden urn.  

Since the 13th century, the reincarnation of prominent Living Buddhas such as the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Rinpoche have been subject to the approval of the Central Government of each era. The current Dalai Lama, for instance, was enthroned in the Potala Palace in Lhasa on February 22, 1940, during a ceremony presided over by Wu Zhongxin (Wu Chung-hsin), Minister of the Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs of the Government of the Republic of China (1912-49). 

An exhibition underway in the Museum of Tibetan Culture in Beijing gives an explanation of the history and procedures of reincarnation through the display of exquisite objects. 

(Photos by Wei Yao) 

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to zhangyage@cicgamericas.com 



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