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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Wind-powered cooperation
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  • Engineer Maksat Abilgaziev at home in Zhanatas, Kazakhstan, on April 3, 2023
  • Wind turbines at the Zhanatas Wind Farm in Zhanatas on April 3, 2023
  • Abilgaziev gives visitors an introduction to the wind farm on May 15, 2022
  • The central control room of the wind farm on April 3, 2023
  • Workers inspect power transformer equipment on April 3, 2023
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Since becoming operational in June 2021, the Zhanatas Wind Farm has been helping sustainable power development in south Kazakhstan.  

The wind farm is a joint project between State Power Investment Corp. Ltd., one of China’s leading power generation groups, and Kazakh partners within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Each of its 40 wind turbines is more than 30 stories high. It makes use of the region’s windy conditions to provide clean energy and jobs for locals like engineer Maksat Abilgaziev. 

(Photos by Xinhua News Agency) 

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to yanwei@cicgamericas.com 


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