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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
A romantic tale from a remote town
观众围坐一圈,演员在舞台中间表演。.jpg 演出之前,饰演女主角翠翠的演员正向观众《边城》的故事背景.jpg 演员用绳索表现小说中渡船的场景,主人公翠翠的爷爷是一名ferryman.jpg 演员在表演中既要扮演剧中数名角色,同时又要不定时作为“说书人”角色为观众介绍剧情,这是导演露丝·康内尔擅长的“说故事剧场”表演形式。.jpg
  • Central staging, in which the acting area is completely surrounded by the audience, is used at the Drum Tower West Theater in Beijing for Border Town to establish rapport between viewers and actors
  • The actress playing Cuicui, the lead role in Border Town, gives a briefing on the background of the drama before the show
  • Ropes are used in the performance to show how the ferryboat in the story is pulled back and forth across the river
  • An actor narrates the story for the audience. Most actors play several roles in the performance while also serving as narrators. Director Ruth Connell describes this as "story-telling theater"
  • 观众围坐一圈,演员在舞台中间表演。.jpg
  • 演出之前,饰演女主角翠翠的演员正向观众《边城》的故事背景.jpg
  • 演员用绳索表现小说中渡船的场景,主人公翠翠的爷爷是一名ferryman.jpg
  • 演员在表演中既要扮演剧中数名角色,同时又要不定时作为“说书人”角色为观众介绍剧情,这是导演露丝·康内尔擅长的“说故事剧场”表演形式。.jpg

A drama adapted from Border Town, a modern Chinese literary masterpiece, by Israeli director Ruth Connell was staged at the Drum Tower West Theater in Beijing on November 19. Border Town is a novel by renowned author Shen Congwen (1902-88). First published in 1934 and set in a rural area of Hunan Province, on the border with Chongqing Municipality, it tells the moving story of a girl raised by her grandfather, who operates a river ferry.

The Drum Tower West Theater is located in the vicinity of the Drum and Bell Towers in central Beijing, which were used in ancient times to mark the hours of the day. The theater often invites playwrights and artists from other countries to perform for Chinese drama lovers.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com


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